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B.Ed. Course Outcomes
First Year Courses

COURSE 1: FBCA - Childhood and Growing Up

  • Understand the growth, stages and dimensions of child development.
  • Compare various theories and its contributions to child development.
  • Analyze the gender stereotyping and issues, concerns of marginalized children.
  • Understand the adolescent behaviors.
  • Identify the various socializing agencies and their role on child development.
  • Comprehend the role of play and media on child development.
  • Examine the impact of urbanization and economic change on child development.

COURSE 2: FBCB - Contemporary India and Education

  • Develop an understanding of the nature of social diversity and the educational demands of the diverse communities.
  • Explain the salient features of Indian constitutional values on education.
  • Analyze the causes for inequality, discrimination and marginalization in education.
  • Develop an understanding of the educational policies and programmes during the pre-independent and post-independent periods.
  • Examine the issues of language policy in education.
  • Develop an understanding on the emerging trends in education.

COURSE 3: FBCC - Learning and Teaching

  • Develop an understanding of the nature of learning and teaching.
  • Develop an understanding of the behavioral theories, cognitive and humanistic theory.
  • Critically evaluate the theory of constructivism.
  • Understanding the teaching diverse classroom.
  • Identify the need and importance of teacher student relationship.
  • Discuss the importance of teaching as a profession.

COURSE 4: FBCD - Language Across the Curriculum

  • Understand the language background of the learner.
  • Know language diversity in the classroom.
  • Understand the nature of communication process in the classroom.
  • Understand the nature of reading comprehension in different content areas.
  • Develop multilingual awareness among the learners.

COURSE 5: FBCE - Understanding Disciplines and Subjects

  • Reflect on the role of disciplines and subjects in school curriculum.
  • Acquaint with the development of curriculum with social, political and intellectual contexts.
  • Understand the paradigm shift in selection of content.
  • Analyze the advantages of learner centered curriculum.
  • Explore the aspects of life oriented curriculum.

COURSE 6: FBCF - Gender, School and Society

  • Understand the concept of gender roles in society.
  • Explain the gender identity and socialization process.
  • Identify gender roles in textbooks and curriculum.
  • Discuss safety of girls and women at school, home and workplace.
  • Understand the representation of gender in various mass media.

பாடம் 7(a): FBTA - தமிழ்கற்பித்தல்

  • தமிழ்மொழிகற்பித்தலின்நோக்கங்களையும்குறிக்கோள்களையும்புரிந்துகொள்வர்.
  • தமிழ்ப்பாடத்திற்கானகற்பித்தல்குறிக்கோள்களைத்தயாரித்துஎழுதுவர்.
  • கற்பித்தல்திறன்களில்முழுத்திறனறிவுபெறுவர்.
  • தமிழ்மொழிகற்பித்தலில்பல்வேறுமுறைகளைக்கையாள்வர்.
  • தமிழ்மொழிகற்பித்தலுக்குபல்வேறுவளங்களைப்பயன்படுத்துவர்.

COURSE 7(a): FBEN - Pedagogy of English

  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching English.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching English.
  • Use various resources in teaching English.

COURSE 7(a): FBMA - Pedagogy of Mathematics

  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching of Mathematics.
  • Use various resources in teaching Mathematics.

COURSE 7(a): FBCS - Pedagogy of Computer Science

  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Computer Science.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching Computer Science.
  • Use various resources in teaching Computer Science.

COURSE 7(a): FBPS - Pedagogy of Physical Science

  • Understand the aims and objectives teaching of physical science.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching physical science.
  • Use various resources in teaching physical science.

COURSE 7(a): FBBS - Pedagogy of Biological Science

  • Understand the aims and objectives teaching of biological science.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching biological science.
  • Use various resources in teaching biological science.

COURSE 7(a): FBHI - Pedagogy of History

  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching History.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching History.
  • Use various resources in teaching History.

COURSE 7(a): FBCM - Pedagogy of Commerce and Accountancy

  • Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Commerce and Accountancy.
  • Formulate instructional objectives for a lesson.
  • Gain mastery of the teaching skills.
  • Apply various methods in teaching Commerce and Accountancy.
  • Use various resources in teaching Commerce and Accountancy.
Second Year Courses

COURSE 8: SBCA - Knowledge and Curriculum

  • Explain the epistemological and sociological bases of education.
  • Explain the nature and principles of child-centered curriculum.
  • Describe the relationship of nationalism, universalism and secularism with education.
  • Understand the principles of democratic curriculum.
  • Discuss the educational thoughts of great educational thinkers on child centered education.
  • Discuss the nature, principles and resources of curriculum.
  • Comprehend curriculum process and practice.
  • Explain the need for hidden curriculum.

COURSE 9: SBCB - Assessment for Learning

  • Describe the meaning and role of assessment in learning.
  • Know the principles of assessment practices.
  • Understand the assessment practices in various approaches of teaching.
  • Differentiate different types of assessment.
  • Identify tools and techniques for classroom assessment.
  • Develop necessary skills for preparation of achievement test and diagnostic tests.
  • Point out key issues in classroom assessment.
  • Understand how assessment can be possible in inclusive settings.
  • Master various statistical techniques for reporting quantitative data.

COURSE 10: SBCC - Creating an Inclusive School

  • Develop an understanding of the concept of disability.
  • Develop an understanding of the concept of learning disabilities.
  • Critically evaluate the models of disability.
  • Identify the need and importance of inclusive education.
  • Discuss the contributions of national and international agencies to inclusive education.

OPTIONAL COURSE: SBOB - Yoga, Health and Physical Education

  • Understand the concepts of Yoga and Asanas.
  • Comprehend the methods of importing health education.
  • List out the communicable diseases and life style disorders.
  • Explain the Physical Education concepts and its scope.
  • Practice the various physical exercises.
  • Acquire skills to organize and conduct sports in school.

OPTIONAL COURSE: SBOB - Environmental Education

  • Realize the importance of environmental education.
  • List out the natural resources and its associated problems.
  • Appreciate the international initiatives to protect the environment.
  • Realize the importance of management and protection environment.
  • Develop curriculum for environmental education.

OPTIONAL COURSE: SBOC - Values and Peace Education

  • Understand the concept of values education.
  • Explain the role of values.
  • Understand the concepts and importance of Peace education.
  • Discuss the ways of fostering culture of peace through education.
  • Identify and apply the practices for value inculcation and clarification.

COURSE 7(b): SBTA - Pedagogy of Tamil - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Tamil textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBEN - Pedagogy of English - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the English textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBMA - Pedagogy of Mathematics - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Mathematics textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBPS - Pedagogy of Physical Science - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Physical Science textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBBS - Pedagogy of Biological Science - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Biological Science textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBCS - Pedagogy of Computer Science - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Computer Science textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBHI - Pedagogy of History - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the History textbooks of class IX and X.

COURSE 7(b): SBCM - Pedagogy of Commerce and Accountancy - Part II

  • Student teachers gain knowledge through internship and they gain mastery in the Commerce and Accountancy textbooks of class XI and XII.